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Writer's pictureAimee

The Perpetual Virginity of the Mother of God: Reason # 9,995

Updated: Jan 4

"Mary said: * What manner of salutation is this? My soul is troubled. Shall I bear the King? And will He not break the seal of my virginity?" Antiphon from Matins, Frist Sunday of Advent

There are two events recounted in the gospel of Luke which, on the surface, seem to have some similarities, but taking a deeper look reveals some insight into the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

The first chapter of Luke recounts the story of the angel Gabriel appearing to both Zachary and Mary. It's interesting to note that they both had similar reactions; 'And Zachary seeing him [Gabriel] was troubled, and fear fell upon him. verse 12 and Mary "Who having heard, was troubled at his saying" verse29. And they both questioned Gabriel, as to how, the announcement was to be effected. "And Zachary said to the Angel: Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years. (verse18). Mary's response was very similar "And Mary said to the angel: How shall this be done, because I do not know man?" verse 34.

Despite the similar response, Zachary is punished for his lack of faith and is rendered mute until the birth of his son. Yet, for Mary there is no punishment, nor any sense that it was a lack of faith that prompted her to question Gabriel.

What Mary was questioning, in fact, was how her virginity- which had been vowed to God- could remain in tact while giving birth to the Saviour. This reveals, that she had made a vow of virginity despite her betrothal to St. Joseph. Otherwise, the story doesn't make sense. If Mary were planning on marrying Joseph and having regular conjugal relations with him, this announcement from Gabriel would not have been hard to believe at all. Of course Mary would be conceiving and giving birth, that would have been the most normal, non-forecast in the world. But no, she was ever Virgin and no thought of being with a man had ever entered her virginal mind.

This a deep mystery, shrouded in beauty and silence and can only have the effect of a deeper love for Our Lady and a more profound reverence for Christ. I encourage you to meditate upon this. It is so very Catholic that the perpetual virginity of Mary is celebrated and defended. Not only was Christ conceived by the Holy Spirit in the virginal womb of Mary but she remained a virgin after giving birth, as she did before. If this is true, which it is, how can anyone go on to suggest that she had other children. It becomes the worst, ugliest, most base heresy. Lord have mercy.

There is something too deep here to be understood by the average person. The Church helps with liturgy and verses and the teachings from the Saints, which elevate the base mind and hint at the reality. Hail Mary, you are enclosed garden. Intercede for us.

There are indeed ten thousand reasons to be Catholic, as GK Chesteron said, and one of them is the perpetual viriginity of the Blessed Vrigin Mary. How it brings greater glory God.

Vivat Chistus Rex!

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